Do Well While Doing Good

Insurance Optimization

Insurance Optimization


Maximize your protection, and lower your cost.

Your initial consultation is always free.



Insurance Optimization

Having insurance is a lot like wearing a seat belt – you hope you won’t need to use it, but you’ll be happy it’s there if you do.

Our insurance optimization services aim to maximize your protection based on your level of need.

As a commission-free financial planning firm, we do not sell insurance policies. If we determine that you can benefit from additional insurance coverage, we’ll help you shop the market for the most cost-effective policies or refer you to an insurance agent that we know and trust. We can also help you unwind unnecessary policies that were wrongfully sold to you in the past.

We provide in-depth and ongoing analysis on the following types of insurance:

  • Life Insurance

  • Disability Income Insurance

  • Health Insurance

  • Umbrella/Personal Liability Insurance

  • Homeowners Insurance

  • Auto Insurance



Do you want to learn more about optimizing your insurance coverage?

Get your free guide: Issues to Consider When Reviewing Your Health & Life Insurance

Screenshot of free guide: Issues to Consider When Health & Life Insurance